Monday, September 8, 2008

last chance summer activities

Sunday before Labor day we went to the drive-in movies. I was kind of panicked to do some last minute summer things before it was too late. We missed going to see the local baseball team, but at least we got to the movies. We saw Horton Hears a Who - Ryan loved it. We really should have gotten Horton (his stuffed animal that also visited the drive-in) in the picture! Speaking of his Horton toy - Ryan thinks his trunk is some sort of vacuum cleaner, LOL. He will use the trunk in his room along the floor and baseboards while making a vacuum sound - so funny.

So the picture above is from August 2008. Below is Ryan at the drive-in movies in July 2007. Where did my baby go??? Awwwww! Of course, Ryan got bigger, but the popcorn got smaller :-) This year we went to a different place and they didn't have the big tubs.

This is the best picture that we managed to get of Kate with the popcorn - poor girl :-)

Continuing with our summer activity theme, we went to Rita's on Labor Day - somehow we managed to not do that all summer! Here is Ryan with his Rita's - doing his best baby bird impression. Rita's is GOOD and it was worth it for him to let us feed him our flavors in between shoveling it in himself. He couldn't say "more" fast enough. I really need to piece together some of the video from that night - we have a good one of a brain freeze reaction.

He didn't turn out nearly as red as I thought he would!

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